Vendor will do a deal for all the cows and calves
15 x Cows and Calves plus 17 Chance mated Cows
Cows are fat enough to kill and doing a super job on the calves.
Calves range from green to 190kg.
Cows have been constantly running with bulls and should be in calf.
Cows are mixed aged but not overly old they are just been sold as they are surplus to requirements.
Price: Cows & calves – $1,400.00 per unit + GST / Dry Cows – $1,100.00 per head + GST on property.
Vendor will do a deal for all the cows and calves and enough visually calfy cows to fill one deck.
Located 160klms north of Charters Towers.
Contact: Shuan
Shaun Flanagan | M: 0429 147 150
Posted in Jim Pola Blog on Saturday, 17 February 2018