Rangeland Bulls Sale

SALE O SALE O SALE O On property and online sale 9am, 27 September 2023.

Rangeland Bulls Sale 2023

A warm welcome to our 15th annual Rangeland Bulls Sale.

Rangeland Bulls offer beef producers an alternative where bulls have been selected for over 25 years with the enduring goal of optimising net profit per hectare in a commercial environment.



110 Grass Fed Bulls 

Wednesday 27 September 2023  Glenba, Morven QLD 

Inspections from 9am, sale at 11am 

 VIDEOS AuctionsPlus (CLICK) 


Over 100 commercial bulls will be on offer and as usual they will be presented in grass fed, working condition.

This year’s sale will be held at ‘Glenba’, 13km north of Morven on the Landsborough Highway.

Bulls will be available for inspection from 9am with the Helmsman Auction commencing at 11am.

This year we are also interfacing the Helmsman auction with AuctionsPlus to enable online simultaneous bidding. Videos of all bulls will be available on AuctionsPlus two weeks prior to the sale.



Free delivery to major selling centres in Queensland and free delivery within 200km of Glenba.

Refreshments and lunch will be available on the day thanks to our sponsors at Rabobank.

To keep up to date with Rangeland Bulls news you can follow us on Facebook.

If you have any questions before the sale please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Son of PCC Colorado Hobo

This is Rangeland Bulls Warrego Hobo, sired by the famous Pharo Cattle Company’s foundation bull, PCC Colorado Hobo, out of a selected RB cow. PCC Colorado Hobo is a guaranteed calving ease bull that passes on tremendous thickness and fleshing ability.

Back in 2015 we ran an AI program using several sires from Pharo Cattle Company in the USA. Although, we run an entirely natural breeding program, these were some genetics we were keen to try in our environment.

Warrego Hobo is the only son of PCC Colorado Hobo that we kept in the bull team and he has been used each year in our breeding program.

He continues to show excellent fertility with semen tests over the past two years coming in at 85% and 80% for motility and 92% and 93% for morphology.

With a moderate frame size he’s demonstrating great ability to convert grass into beef weighing in at 980kg - with no inputs! 

This year we will be offering eight two year old sons of Warrego Hobo.

Full details will available in the catalogue. 

About Us
Our commercial focus as beef producers gives Rangeland Bulls a unique point of difference as seedstock producers and means our breeding priorities are reflective of the profit drivers in a commercial herd.

This paradigm shift focuses on productivity gains that come from running fertile, efficient cows that will wean a higher percent of their own weight with fewer inputs.

Our commercial breeder herd of 4,800 females is run in tough environmental conditions of southwest Queensland in an entirely grass fed organic system without artificial inputs. Rangeland Bulls are Angus Brahman composite (¾ Angus and ¼ Brahman), selected for adaptation to the environment and commercial productivity whilst also achieving optimal market compliance.

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Photo of a Rangeland Bull sent in by a client. This bull was joined with 60 cows, achieved 100% PTIC and maintained great condition running in a grass paddock, without supplement, in southwest QLD. He has been run in mulga country during dry seasons and continues to show adaptation and fertility in a true commercial environment.

About the program - Vet’s Comment from Will Nason, Veterinarian BVSc (Hons), Roma Vet Clinic

‘I have been performing routine veterinary work for Rangeland Bulls including pregnancy testing and bull testing for some years. In my experience the cattle are quiet and perform well year on year almost regardless of the season.

Each year the conception rate is consistently high, including the heifers that are joined as yearlings (15 months) for only 6 weeks. All other females are joined for only 8 weeks. Empty females are culled which means that every bull produced, is from a cow that has produced a calf every year. This is extremely important as it sets them apart from many other bull breeding operations.

Fertility is a heritable trait. By keeping bulls only out of females that produce a calf every year means that the herd increases in fertility and these bulls will then pass this on to their progeny. Joining the cows for only 2 months (and the same 2 months each year) also increases the selection pressure and means that only the most fertile cows become pregnant as their inter-calving interval has to be under 365 days.’

 Cows need to work hard to stay in this grass-fed organic herd management program, which is key to compounding herd fertility and commercial profitability.



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Selling Agent TopX Roma
Cyril Close
0428 222 308


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