Location: Prime and Store Cattle brought to you by GDL and ROMA SALEYARDS
Yarding: 3420 GDL 1772
Report Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Roma Sale Report 11th March
Roma agents yarded 3,420 head with GDL bringing in 1,772.
With a large reduction of cattle yarded due to our old mate Alfred.
There were still all you regular processors feed lotters and backgrounder buyers still present.
With the feeder cattle selling firm, however feeder bullocks and cows eased back predominately because of abattoirs not operating due to these weather conditions.
With reduced numbers due to scattered showers and more predicted.
All the regular processors feedlotters and backgrounders present and operating with the market stronger for domestic feeders however heavy feeders bullocks and cows easier mainly due to abattoir closures due to the cyclone. Yearling steers under 200kg sold from 320c to 430c/kg.
Yearling steers steers 200 to 280kg with the majority selling from 328c to 478c/kg.
Yearling steers 280 to 330kg making to 420c to average 388c/kg.
Geoffs sale report for the 11th March
Yearling steers 330 to 400kg also improved and sold from 346c to 420c/kg. Yearling steers 400 to 480kg averaged 368c and topping at 375c/kg. Yearling heifers under 200kg topped 282c/kg back to the paddock. Yearling heifers 200 to 280kg sold from 200c to 330c/kg for the better pens. Yearling heifers 280 to 330kg with the majority selling from 248c to 310c/kg. Yearling heifers 330 to 400kg lost ground and sold to 320c/kg to feed.
Yearling heifers 400 to 480kg sold well and made from 280c to 310c/kg. Grown steers 400 to 500kg made to 375c/kg.
Grown steers 500 to 600kg topped 328c to average 326c/kg. Bullocks over 600kg made to 312c/kg to average 292c/kg.
Only a small number of cows penned with the 2 score cows 400 to 520kg made from 210c to 265c and the 3 score cows topping 276c to average 268c/kg. Bulls over 600kg made to 296c/kg.
Santa Steers ex Windorah 375c/kg, 451kg, $1,695.
Santa Steers ex Windorah 382c/kg, 376kg, $1,440.
Santa Steers ex Windorah 412c/kg, 326kg, $1,344.
Santa X Steers ex Longreach 428c/kg, 257kg, $1,102.
Angus Steers ex Dulacca 436c/kg, 244kg, $1,066.
L-R ( Jai O'Rielly, Darcy Booth, Geoff Maslen, Nick Shorten & Larissa Thompson ).
NICK SHORTEN – 0429 624 091
GEOFF MASLEN – 0427 697 527
Darcy Booth - 0417132440
ROMA OFFICE – 07 4622 7799
Jai O'Reilly 0418 873 658