• Land Size: 15655 ha Pastoral Holding.
  • Location: 150 km North of Julia Creek, on the Gulf Development Road to Normanton.
  • Special Features: Monstraven is a high-quality cattle breeding and fattening property, with diverse soil types, well-watered, in a safe rainfall area,
  • Location: 150 km North of Julia Creek, on the Gulf Development Road to Normanton. 1 kilometre from the bitumen. 160 kms N.E. of Cloncurry. Excellent access.

    Area & Tenure: 15655 ha Pastoral Holding. L2 CE7: PH 13/4494. Potential for Irrigation/Dryland farming. Opportunity to access water from the Cloncurry River, with double access.
    Rates: $8426 per annum. McKinlay Shire Council

    Rainfall: 475 mm or 19 inches rainfall area. Very safe rainfall area. Consistent Wet season area.


    Monstraven Station  Parry Family  Julia Creek sold for $10.85M to John and jan Nelson at Auction today


    Property is very well watered by 2 Sub-artesian Bores, pumped and distributed around the property through poly pipe and tanks. 6 Dams and 2 permanent water holes in the Cloncurry River.

    The property is a mixture of Open downs with Mitchell, Flinders, Blue Grass, Forest Mitchell, Sespania Pea, and other herbages, then there is the red pebble and sandy country, with trees like Gidgee, Coolibah, Bauhinia, Whitewood, Sandalwood, Prickly Acacia, etc., with grasses such as Buffel, Button grass, Native herbages, and legumes. Tea Trees, (Paperbark) Wilga, and Gutta percha along the River system. The property has a soft mix of country that has many advantages.

    General Comments:
    Monstraven is a high-quality cattle breeding and fattening property, with diverse soil types, well-watered, in a safe rainfall area, including a comfortable timber 4 bed-room homestead, quarters, 2-bedroom cottage, 2 x steel sheds, 1 x Timber & Steel shed, 50 KVA Generator, 2 Fuel tanks. 1 x Cold Room, 7-way Draft Steel cattle yards, and laneways. There is ability to access the Cloncurry River in 2 places. The property is fenced in to 7 paddocks and 1 holding paddock. Seasonally the property has had an average wet, however, normally the property is very reliable, for rain. Monstraven is North of Etta Plains which is presently in the development of a significant irrigation farm. Properties with these qualities do not come on the market often. There will be approximately 1000 cows plus some Bulls available for Sale if the buyer is interested, separate from the auction.

    Monstraven is being sold Bare of Livestock.

    Auction: Wednesday 7th July 2021 Time: 11.00 am
    CSA building, Sports Ground, Julia Creek.
    For further details and information:

    Phone John 


    John Wharton
    Mobile: 0427777660


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