“Suvla” Winton

  • Land Size: 18,427.77 Hectares or 45516.60 Acres – Freehold
  • Location: Is situated 70km South West of Winton.
  • Special Features: Suvla is a dual purpose breeding / fattening property






    “Suvla” is situated 70km South West of Winton.

    Rural power, telephone, satellite TV, mail service twice weekly. Mobile phone reception is available over a large area of “Suvla” with an aerial.
    Winton offers primary and secondary schooling to grade 12, hospital and medical facilities. rural businesses, Government Agent and personal shopping. Twice weekly air services to and from Townsville and Brisbane as well as a daily bus service to and from Brisbane. There are cattle saleyards and rail trucking facilities in Winton.

    Area & Tenure:
    Lot 1 EL8, Lot 10 EL16, Lot 5 EL30
    18,427.77 Hectares or 45516.60 Acres – Freehold

    Approximately 50% of the country is open downs with valley and channel country that lightly grassed at present with summer herbages, Button, Flinders and Mitchell grasses and Buffel along the creeks. There is approximately 25% tableland plateau country with Mulga, soft Spinifex, summer herbages, Flinders, Mitchell and native summer grasses. The balance of the country is Lancewood & Bendee ranges and broken gidyea foothill country that has mostly summer herbages & Spinifex. The downs country is nicely shaded with Gidyea, Whitewood & Vinetree and a scattering of Prickly Acacia. There is approximately 5000 acres unfenced Spinifex range country on the western side of Suvla.

    Well watered with 15 dams ranging in size from 7,000 to 40,000 yards – 3 dams are equipped with solar pumps. There are 5 sub bores of which 2 are un-equipped as well as 6 tanks and 8 troughs. The house bore is connected to rural power, pumping from 270 foot pumping 1400 litres per hour. Two bores are equipped with Southern Cross windmills. #1 Middle bore – pumping from 250 foot with 3″ casing. #2 White bore – pumping from 210 foot with 3″ casing.“Suvla” is fenced into 5 main paddocks and 3 holding paddocks. The majority of the boundary fencing is netting and barb and is in good stock proof condition. There is a new section of 4 barb joining Cotswold Hills and 3 barb section joining Carisbrooke. The majority of the internal fencing is 3 or 4 barb, 1 barb & 5 plain and a small section of netting – all in good stock proof condition.

    There is one set of cattle yards constructed of steel post , steel rails & weld mesh, cable yards with 6 way draft, branding cradle and ramp.

    Main older style homestead with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with verandah in good sound condition. There is a 1 bedroom cottage in poor condition as well as a 3 bedroom cottage. The storage shed with concrete floor is an old woolshed that gutted. 4 bay car shed.

    Carrying Capacity:
    Estimated to be able to carry 800 breeders or 1200 weaners this year or in an average season. Presently carrying 280 head. Vendors will give early access for livestock for 2 paddocks once an unconditional sale contract is signed.

    350 mm long term district average. Suvla has averaged 300 mm over the past 10 years.

    Agents Comments:
    Suvla has a very good mix of quick responding sweet red Gidyea country, red pebbly Mitchell / Flinders grass lightly shaded downs country running back into soft tablelands plateau country that has grass, Spinifex and eligible top feed, stony outcrops and range country. There has been a very good strike of fresh young Mitchell grass seedlings that will make an excellent season if there is another 30 to 50 mm within the next 2 to 3 weeks. It is well watered with 15 dams that were recently filled and 3 sub bores. Suvla is a dual purpose breeding / fattening property that is currently enjoying a good season. Good sound infrastructure and well worth an inspection.

    Phone Tom for inspection 

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    Tom Brodie
    T: 07 4657 0694 Winton Office
    M: 0428 712 095


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