120 Droughtmaster Sires and 12 Charmaster Sires
MAGS Droughtmaster Bull Sale. 11th of November at Charters Towers.. To Queensland beef Cattle producers, the MAGS family along with Elders we would like to invite you to celebrate MAGS turning 21...
Mustering was always the excitement of the year for me.
My Love for the Bush Sylvia GodwinAgribusiness Sales Consultant Knight Frank. Mobile +61 407 785 397 Sylvia 21 years of age, currently living and working in the beef...
Monday 17th October 2022 10am Start
CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale Monday 17th October 2022 10am Start It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our third annual CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale - our second to be...
14th October 2022 - with the auction opening at 2pm AEST sharp..
Bar H Female Wagyu Auction RESULTS “The team at Bar H Grazing are excited to host their third, all female, Wagyu Auction. A total of 256 head, penned into 34 lots, will...
CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale the 17th of October at CQLX Gracemere..
Minlacowie and Wingfield Droughtmasters. Have catalogued a very consistent line of 34 Bulls for this year’s CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale the 17th of October at CQLX Gracemere. D1 Approved...
BRAHMAN WEEK DAY 3 Results 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝗕𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗲 - 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟯𝗿𝗱, 𝟰𝘁𝗵 & 𝟱𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳...
3rd,4th,5th, October CQLX Gracemere
Brahman Week with Elders Vendors The three-day Sale is scheduled to begin at 8 am on Monday 3 October 2022. Day One with grey bulls in Lots 1-304 Day two greys in Lots...
Stud Beef Judging Thursday 4th and 5th Friday
143rd ROYAL QUEENSLAND SHOW Stud Beef Judging Thursday 4th and 5th Friday In a true display of bringing the country to the city, more than 1,100 head of stud...
Woolooga Select Sire Brahman Sale on Saturday 27th August 10am
Little Creek Brahmans Ian and Debbie Frampton have selected 6 outstanding bulls for the Woolooga Select Sire Brahman Sale on Saturday 27th August 10am Selling Lots 18,19,20, 29,30, 31. Buyers...
On Property, "Koonandah Station", Bowen, QLD
Koonandah Brahman Bull Sale Offering 68 Bulls... SALE O SALE O SALE O On Property, "Koonandah Station", Bowen, QLD. Helmsman Sale, Interfaced with Elite Livestock Auctions. BIDDING...
15 Gouron Creek Senepol 2 years old Bulls
FOR PRIVATE SALE 15 Gouron Creek Senepol 2 years old Senepol Bulls Ready to join now and ideal for Northern Australian cattle breeders Born and breed in the Northern Territory LOCATED: Ruby...
JULY 14th to 20th World Brahman Congress & Ranch Tours.
World Brahman Congress – Paraguay Well known Brahman Breeders and Friends from Germany Sylvia Opitz and her husband Nando from HO Brahmans who are the only pureblood Brahman breeders in Germany,...
Friday 24th June, 10am Ag-Grow Site, Emerald, QLD
AG-GROW ELITE BULL SALE 2022 Friday 24th June, 10am Ag-Grow Site, Emerald, QLD 77 Quality Bulls including; 29 Charolais 9 Angus 2 Black Simmental 18 Traditional & Red Simmentals 2...
Delivery: 1st & 2nd July 2022 Julago
RayWhite LIVE EXPORT ORDER Delivery: 1st & 2nd July 2022 Julago Steers - 480 to 750kg - $4.00 Bulls - 380 to 700kg - $3.85 Horns over 12 cm but no longer than 60 cm less $0.20 - Can handle...
Top of $50,000 Lot 57
Gympie Brahman Female Sale Result Greys: 66/66 $841,000 avg $12,742 top $50,000 Lot 57 A/c Neville & Shannon Sommerfeld (Brahrock N) purchased by G & G Angel, Rockhampton. The...
Commercial and Prime Cattle Section
Hughenden Show 2022 A quality line-up of stud, commercial and prime cattle were presented for exhibition at the 139th Annual Hughenden Show on the 27th and 28th May. Renowned cattleman Luke...
New name Ray White Rural Geaney | Kirkwood.
TWO of North Queensland’s most recognised rural property and livestock agency businesses are joining forces, a move that will create plenty of interest across northern Australia. Experienced...
Selling Lots 45,46,47,48. Gympie Sale on Saturday 4th June
Little Creek Brahmans Selling Lots 45,46,47,48. Little Creek Brahmans has Four very feminine females, for the Gympie Sale on Saturday 4th June at the Saleyards (9.30 start). Lot 45 Polled...
The investment marks an important step in lberdrola Australia's commitment to the Queensland market.
20 April 2022 Iberdrola Australia is pleased to announce that it has acquired rights over the 1000MW Mount James Wind Farm development, located in North Queensland, approximately 80...
110 PTIC Heifers, 54 PTIC Heifers , 40 PTIC Heifers, 40 PTIC Heifers.
110 PTIC Heifers A/c AJM PASTORAL. Location BLACKALL, Western Queensland SOLD SOLD $1,940.00/Head 459.3c/kg Live 1043.6c/kg Dressed Breed 110 Composite / Composite Weight...
Auction Plus this Thursday 14th 9am start
100 Weaned Heifers9919147 · RICHMOND, North Queensland A/c BIRNAM CATTLE CO. SOLD SOLD $1,400.00/Head 707.1c/kg Live 1682.7c/kg Dressed Location RICHMOND, North...
Roadshows at Mount Surprise, Mount Garnet, Mareeba, Chillagoe and Lakelands.
QLD Livestock Exporters Association (QLEA) QLEA welcomes Producers, Stock-people, Agents, Livestock Transport Operators and any interested stakeholders in the Live Export Industry to join Greg...
Saturday 19th March 10AM Start 72 Females 6 Semen Packages
Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Saturday 19th March 72 Females 6 Semen Packages 10am Start CQLX Gracemere RESULTS Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale 2022 43/43 Red Brahman...
20 Shorthorn bulls Longreach Friday 18th March
ROYALLA SHORTHORNS... 20 Shorthorn bulls on offer. Friday 18th March 11am start Longreach Saleyards. SALE RESULTS Great result today 20 offered 20 sold 100% clearance Sale average of $11,950...
Selling Lots 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37.
Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale 19th March. Stockman's Red Brahmans presenting a tremendous line of females 9 poll, including 2 Homozygous Poll (PP) red heifers for the...
Michael is travelling with his father Peter and his wife Donna
Paradise Islands farm. T Neg Stelly is the owner of Paradise Islands farm. He also grows 500 acres of rice. 600 acres of crawfish. 20000 alligators for skin and meat. Also runs 800...
Rural Aid Thank Darren Perkins and Directors of George & Fuhrmann for the very generous donation.
George & Fuhrmann Donated $10,000 to Rural Aid CAN WE HELP YOU? Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities suffering the effects of drought, flood, fire or natural...
Required Simla Station Nebo
CATTLE AND CANE FARM HAND Required Simla Station Nebo You are a reliable self starter but must be able to work as a team member with current staff Duties will vary on the day-to-day...