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Become a Member QLEA Newsletter

LiveXchange 2019 in Townsville on the 30th and 31st of October

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Welcome to our third QLEA Newsletter, many thanks to all those who have contributed and a special thanks to Kim Morris QLEA’s Admin Officer who has pulled everything together from nil. Also sincere thanks to Peter Watkins who has been the driving force behind the new QLEA initiative. We have lots of interesting stories and information in the pipe line for the future issues.

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Greg Pankhurst, Joni Liano- Executive Director of Gapisindo (Indonesian Feedlotter Association), Will Evans- NTLEA and Dicky Adiwaso- President Director of Juang Jaya.

On the 5th of September, QLEA hosted a table at the Rural Press Club ( RPC ) to listen to Federal Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Bridget McKenzie speak about Australian Agriculture, her first 100 days as the Agriculture Minister and what she hopes to do in her three ( “and hopefully six ” ) year tenure.

She spoke broadly and touched on many topics including of the 1.6 million people who work in Australian agriculture, the need for modernising innovation in the sector, the 2030 target of an annual A$100 billion in revenue from agriculture and her recent trade focused trip to Vietnam, Korea and Japan.

Whilst in Japan and Vietnam she visited and met with a number of businesses and government agencies involved in the live trade. In Vietnam she witnessed the signing of a MOU between MLA and Vietnam’s Dept of Animal Health, formalising their cooperation on improving animal health and welfare through the supply chain.

Future reform of the current RDC model featured heavily in her RPC address, especially the need to put producer levies to work for the betterment of their industry.

There is a lot to consider re the possible restructuring of Livecorp, ALEC and MLA, and we will no doubt hear much more about this in the near future.

During late August, I spent 3 days in Jakarta with Will Evans, CEO of Northern Territory Livestock Exporters Association. This was Will’s second trip to Jakarta/ Indonesia and it was a great opportunity for me to introduce him to some of my long-time associates and colleagues involved in the Indonesian beef industry. Will and myself heard first hand their comments and concerns, and have already set in play a number of initiatives to improve communication lines and strengthen the Australian – Indonesian relationship.

Peter Watkins and myself will embark on another QLEA Roadshow through CQ starting on the 8th of October. Venues and times are still being firmed up but we hope to drop by Hughenden, Richmond, Julia Creek and Cloncurry.

In closing, I hope you are seriously considering joining the industry at LiveXchange 2019 in Townsville on the 30th and 31st of October. An amazing array of speakers and panels have been pulled together for the event.

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Membership  starts at $75 per year to support the organisation dealing with issues and government where appropriate.



High value frozen meat selling at a Butcher shop in Jakarta. This beef is from imported, live cattle from Australia as well as USA, NZ, Spain and high value Japanese Wagyu

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