Weaner cattle, in mobs of 500 or better
Agistment Required Urgently We are urgently looking for agistment Country suitable for weaner cattle, in mobs of 500 or better in Southern Queensland, Central Queensland, also Northern NSW either...
Saturday 26th June 2021 Results
Ag-Grow Premier Ridden Horse Sale Saturday 26th June 2021 RESULTS Sale Topper $21,000 KOOLOOMBAH MELODY- Lot 49 A/C Apis Creek Pastoral Company Sale Gross $344,000...
120 Weaned Heifers WEANER & YEARLING SALE Fri, 11 June 2021, 9:00 AM BIRNAM CATTLE CO. RICHMOND, North Queensland SOLD $1,165.00/Head 549.3c/kg ...
Gympie Female Sale Saturday June 5 th, 2021. Start 9.30 RESULTS 99% Clearance 54 GREY FEMALES SOLD Grey 54/54 avg $11,028 top $50,000 lot 33 purchased by NCC. 21...
Big step for Townsville
Origin switches to Townsville The State of Origin series opener has been switched to Townsville after the recent Victorian COVID-19 outbreak. After NRL officials met with the Victorian government...
Delivered on Property: 180km North of Clermont.
CATTLE FOR SALE 300 COWS PTIC A line of young Vet tested Females on offer. Cattle have been put together out of various Saleyards in North & Central Queensland over the past few...
Opera Queensland's most extensive regional tour in our 40-year history
Are You Lonesome Tonight I was very fortunate to attend the Country Music and Opera" Are You lonesome to Night" at the Queensland Country Bank Stadium on Friday night it was different and very...
My last engagement Rocky Amateurs
My last engagement was to attend the Rocky Amateurs with my clients. The National Australia Bank at the Chairman’s Lunch. Great company my hosts NAB Darren Kuhl and Tim Pincombe for hosting the...
Bill Reid Made a major announcement track side today
Rocky Amateurs Race Day. Bill Reid Chairman Rockhampton Amateurs Racing Club Made a major announcement track side today 100th year celebrations Saturday, May 8th celebrate 100 years since the...
Classic Wallabies and Knight Frank Entertained the 750 people
Sportsman Lunch Proudly sponsored by Knight Frank Agri and the Empire Apartments Hotel. Mine host Pat O’Driscoll, Neale Crow Knight Frank Agri and the Classic Wallabies Lote Tiquiri, Nathan...
The Nutrien Livestock Commercial Cattle Competition The Nutrien Livestock Commercial Cattle Competition is a permanent fixture on the Beef Australia calendar and presents an opportunity for...
JDH MASSSAI MORANI MANSO 383/7 available at site cs46 at Beef Australia Only
Only semen ever to be offered for sale in this bull. Opportunities for Stud Masters to get some “Designer Genetics” offers the ability to choose to enhance own herd or get “Designer...
Sun, 02 May 2021, 6:00 PM
INAUGURAL BEEF AUSTRALIA GENETICS SALE Sun, 02 May 2021, 6:00 PM Beef 21 is almost here and we have listed a couple of lots in the AuctionPlus Beef Australia Stud Cattle Sale. You can go...
Sam Vivian-Greer crowned New Zealand winner
Sam Vivian-Greer crowned New Zealand winner of top agri-award in impressive setting. The future looks extremely bright for Sam Vivian-Greer of Masterton, who received the coveted 2021 New Zealand...
Mobs of 500 or better....
Agistment urgently Required We are urgently looking for agistment for cattle with mobs of 500 or better in Northern New South Wales, Southern Queensland, Central Queensland agistment with good...
Selling Auctions Plus Friday 30th April
Buyers an opportunity to buy 800 M/S Crossbred Weaners A/C WINADE HOLDINGS 400 Charolais / Charolais Cross 400 Droughtmaster / Droughtmaster Cross QUILPIE, Western Queensland Selling...
Royalla Shorthorns Longreach Bull sale Royalla Shorthorns will be holding their annual Longreach Bull sale on Wednesday 21st April at the Longreach Saleyards. 20 Top Quality Shorthorn Bulls...
AUCTIONSPLUS - Eastern States Cattle Sale | Friday 23 April, 2021
111 Feeder Heifers AUCTIONSPLUS - Eastern States Cattle Sale | Friday 23 April, 2021 A/c WT & LA Dobe & Sons. A good line of Vendor bred, one brand Spayed Feeder weight milk and 2 tooth...
Sunday May 2nd Beef Australia
2 MAY 2021 Lancefield Brahmans welcomes you to Beef Australia 2021 We welcome you to Beef Australia and invite you to register and attend our half day property tour hosted by "Eulogie" Showcasing...
You have the right to lodge an objection
New land valuations for Primary Production Land. Effective from 30 June 2021 Notice of Valuation The Valuer-General issues annual land valuations as well as maintenance valuations. Land...
So You Think Australia’s busiest 2020 sire
So You Think Australia’s busiest 2020 sire Figures released by the Australian Stud Book show that Coolmore’s So You Think was Australia’s busiest sire in the 2020 season, looking after...
Embarking on an Adventure
Proudly Sponsored By Emanate Legal He is only 18 years old, recently passed his driving test and is about to embark on a gap year adventure like no other. Maleny’s Sam Hughes,...
Over the past 2 years the regulatory reforms that have been implemented have markedly increased
The QLEA have sent an open letter to all Members and Stakeholders Queensland Livestock Exporters Association The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has...