Location: 80km North of Aramac - 147 Barcaldine - 200 km ENE of Longreach - 660 km to Rockhampton.
Services: Rural power, STD phone & internet.
Saleyards 270 km at Emerald, Blackall and Longreach.
Meatworks Rockhampton- Townsville - Mackay and Biloela.
Rainfall: 18inches
Description of country: Mixture of open forest country timbered with Bloodwood, Beefwood and gum running to good stands of Gidgee and Bauhinia, interspersed with numerous water courses and flood out areas.
Approx. 8000 acres pulled Gidgee. Approximately 2/3 of the property carries Buffel with 1/3 being spinifex under sown with soft native grasses and legumes.
Cultivation: Approx. 40 km of pondage banks in need of repair.
Water supply: Numerous water courses supporting 9 bores equipped with solar submersibles and 6 dams. Improvements to the water infrastructure will be undertaken by the vendors. This includes 5 new tanks and troughs.
Fencing and subdivision: Subdivided into 6 main paddocks supported by holding paddocks and squares. Approx. 40km of fencing will be renewed at the vender's expense which is included in the sale price.
Structural improvements: A new 4-bedroom homestead has been ordered and awaiting completion. Numerous outbuildings and sheds and 2 sets of portable yards.
Plant: Nissan patrol ute, Hercules loader 1100c in good condition (new motor) old grader plus numerous items used for running the property.
Stock: Available at valuation. Approx. 1400 head currently depastured from weaners to breeders.
Carrying capacity: 1200 breeders plus progeny.
Price Upon Application
Elders Real Estate Rockhampton
0427 334 100
Elders Real Estate Rockhampton
0456 957 261