• Land Size: Land Size 16152 hectares
  • Location: Approximately 96 km north of Winton, with 60 km of bitumen, 192 km from Hughenden with 156 km
  • Special Features: The property has an excellent stand of Mitchell grass and summer herbages and with its impressive water infrastructure is ready to go.


    The Lilford homestead complex is located approximately 96 km north of Winton, with 60 km of bitumen, approximately 192 km from Hughenden with 156 km of bitumen (via the Kennedy Developmental Road) and approximately 120 km from Kynuna via the Landsborough Highway with 60 km of bitumen. This would give great access to the live export market in the north or the processor, feedlot and store markets to the south.

    Facilities & Services: Winton offers primary and secondary schooling to grade 12, hospital and medical facilities, rural businesses, Government Agent and personal shopping. There are cattle saleyards and rail trucking facilities located in Winton. Twice weekly air services to and from Townsville and Brisbane, daily bus service to and from Brisbane. Lilford is connected to rural power and has mobile phone access across most of the property especially with a car aerial.

    Area & Tenure: Lot 8 Crown Plan G24968, Lot 9 Crown Plan G24950 & Lot 2 SP118520 (Share Bore)

    Local Government: Winton Shire Council

    Country: Lilford has a very good balance of open downs grey and chocolate cracking soils, heavy carrying undulating open pebbly downs, running down to the Werna and Coolibah creek channels. At present there is a very good stand of Mitchell grass and summer herbages across the downs as well as a good cover of Buffel grass along the creek systems and scattered throughout the open downs. Flinders grass and winter herbages grow very well on Lilford when in season.

    Lilford is lightly timbered with Whitewood, Vinetree, Corkwood and Mimosa on the downs with Coolibah trees along the creek systems. There is no Prickly Acacia on Lilford. Eradication programmes are carried out when required to control any fresh outbreaks coming in from neighbouring properties. Vendor has been diligent in spot spraying the prickly acacia when required.

    Rainfall: The long term district average for Corfield/Winton district is approximately 400mm (16inches). Over 275mm of rain has fallen to date this year.

    Waters: Lilford has an impressive water infrastructure with approximately 75 km of poly pipe in a looped system that is designed to deliver 2 litres per second at troughs and to be able to facilitate Norprim water medicators. There is approximately 31 km of 75mm, 41 km of 63mm and 3 km of 50mm poly pipe that was laid in the early 2000’s. These poly lines service 49 troughs and 6 x 5,000 gallons poly water tanks.

    The share artesian bore was drilled in 1999 to a depth of 1,028 meters and is equipped and connected to rural power to pump into a 500,000-gallon turkey nest located at the bore.

    The water is then pumped from this nest via the poly pipe line system to another two 500,000 gallons turkey nests with their own pump stations.

    There are two small dams as well as a share dam.

    Homestead Buildings: The older style air conditioned main homestead consists of 3 bedrooms plus sleep-out. There is also an air conditioned one bedroom cottage with renovated bathroom and toilet. The newer homestead has three bedrooms, air conditioned, renovated kitchen and bathroom and has a large screened deck. There is also a cold room to the side of the house.

    Improvements: There is a shearing shed, shearers quarters and sheep yards and although they have not been used for many years, they are in reasonable condition and can be made operational without any great expense. There is a small machinery shed and a chemical / storage shed.

    Yards & Fencing: Lilford is fenced into 16 paddocks, 1 holding paddock and 3 lane ways. The internal fencing is a mixture of 2 and 3 wire electric fence as well as 6 wire or ring-lock sheep fences. Most of the boundary fencing is 6 wire or ring-lock sheep fencing with any recent additions being 4 wire barb.

    The cattle yards are a mixture of portable panels and fixed steel panels that include a branding cradle, vet crush, water troughs and sprinkler system.

    Carrying Capacity: The estimated carrying capacity of Lilford in an average season would be 1,660 AE (400 kg dry beast) or sheep equivalent. Lilford would comfortably carry 2000 weaners for the balance of the year.

    Livestock, Plant & Equipment: Bare of Livestock and Plant

    Agents Remarks: Lilford hosts an abundance of good fresh grass following recent rainfall of over 275 mm and is very lightly stocked giving immediate access for livestock following the signing of an unconditional contract. The property has an excellent stand of Mitchell grass and summer herbages and with its impressive water infrastructure is ready to go. It is in a tick free area with no prickly acacia and well suited for both breeding or fattening either cattle or sheep. Lilford is well positioned to take advantage of many marketing options.

    Asking Price: $4,500,000

    CONTACT Tom Brodie

    tom1 100x150

    07 4657 0694 Winton Office
    Mobile 0428 712 095


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