Moonby Station is a high-quality property situated southwest of Hughenden on the Hughenden to Winton Road. 37 klms of bitumen to Hughenden. Boundary completely fenced with an Exclusion fence. No weeds/no Prickly Acacia.
3 bores, 2 equipped with Solar submersible, one bore flows. 1 Stock Route bore supplies water to a trough on the property. Very well-watered with a water facility every 1000 acres. 5 New Tanks ,10 cattle troughs and poly pipe to be installed. Some paddocks have 7 waters. Waters all connected allowing easy management. Tanks constantly filling.
Tight Undulating Gidyea pebble country with creeks and channels running through the property. Mitchell and Flinders grass, some Buffel with all the herbages that grow on soft self-cracking soils. Trees consist of Coolibah, Boree, Gidyea, Vinewood, Whitewood and large shady Athol Pine trees around the waters and bores. Heavy carrying country.
Comfortable 3 bed-room house, pool, 1 x 1-bedroom self-contained cottage, 1 x 3 bay steel shed with cement floor and power connected, 1 x 3 bay steel shed, 1 timber shed with power connected. 5 stand electric shearing shed, shearers quarters, plus sheep yards. Portable panel cattle yards including Crush, branding cradle and loading ramp. Internal fencing is in good condition.
Area and Tenure:
GHPL lease in perpetuity commencing 01/07/1971. 8985 ha. Permit to Occupy: 1327 ha. Total area available: 10312 ha.
Average 18 inches a year.
Agent Comments:
Moonby is an excellent property with good access on a bitumen road to Hughenden to the north or Winton to the south, allowing access to all markets. It is set up for either sheep or cattle and is an excellent backgrounding or fattening block. Wariana Creek and Little Wariana creek plus other channels run through the property. Properties like this are keepers that rarely come on the market. Property has been in the one family for generations.
Price: $10.5 MILLION
Contact: John Wharton
Mobile: 0427777660