Elrose Brahman Stud

Profit from Practical Proven Performers

Rodger and Lorena Jefferis run the large scale and successful Elrose Brahman Stud with a clear and constant focus on the environment in which the Australian beef cattle industry operates. Being centred at Cloncurry in North West Queensland the Jefferis’ have firsthand experience with Australia’s unique and sometimes extreme conditions. The scope of their operation in their commercial herd, from the Gulf breeding country to Central Qld’s finishing country gives them a thorough understanding of factors such as market opportunities right through the production chain.

No Brahman Stud in Australia has made more of an impact in a combination of Sale ring presence (both buying and selling), expansion of bull production, application of relevant objective selection criteria, increase in Sale turnoff and prices, client service, and success in breed featured commercial and stud competitions in the last ten years than has Rodger & Lorena Jefferis’ Elrose Brahman Stud.

It has been a 40 plus year journey for the Stud, producing Brahmans under mostly extreme, variable and extensive conditions. Long periods of dry, temperatures commonly over 40°C in summer and down to single figures on winter nights, monsoonal summer rain influences and variable pasture quality all constantly challenge the ability of Elrose Brahmans to deliver results at the top level of beef production.

The steady and growing stream of cattle producer bull buyer clients, both private and pastoral company representatives, driving through the Elrose gates is testimony that the Stud’s breeding philosophy, management practices and desire for customer satisfaction, are providing sizable benefits for herds utilising Elrose seed stock.

Elrose is concentrating on producing large lines of bulls with a depth of breeding, female fertility, and performance to ensure a predictable outcome in clients’ herds.” Rodger Jefferis said. “Calves on the ground and kilos on the steers are the main influences on herd profitability and this is the reason most of our bull turnoff is to large commercial operators.

Visitors to the Elrose Stud easily recognise the energy and passion the Jefferis family have for their herd. “We get great satisfaction out of breeding to achieve increased herd performance. Our bull buying clients rely on us to power their herds with industry leading beef performance genetics.”


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External Link: http://www.elrose.com.au/Main.html
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