• Land Size: 73,048 Ha (Approximately 180,505 Acres)
  • Location: 90km southeast of Winton and 140km northwest of Longreach. There is 25km of unsealed road from the Landsborough Highway into the homestead complex.
  • Special Features: Offered with approximately 2,500 cattle and an extensive list of plant & equipment.

    Expression of Interest: Closing Date, 5pm Tuesday 15th November 2022

    Location: Melrose is located approximately 90km southeast of Winton and 140km northwest of Longreach. There is 25km of unsealed road from the Landsborough Highway into the homestead complex.

    Facilities/Services: Melrose has rural power, landline telephone, satellite internet, mobile phone service with booster kit over a large area of the property and a twice weekly mail service. Winton and Longreach offer complete schooling, prep to year 12. The Longreach School of Distance Education is prep to year 10. Local facilities in the towns of Winton & Longreach include an Early Childhood Centre, Hospital, Police Station, Post Office, Grocery Stores and Library. Recreational activities include swimming pools, race courses, golf courses as well as various sporting clubs.

    Commercial air services are available twice weekly from Winton and daily from Longreach. Cattle sales are held on a regular basis in Blackall, while both Winton & Longreach have saleyards and livestock rail trucking facilities.

    Rainfall: The district average is around 375 to 400 mm. It has been an unusually wet autum, winter and spring so far this year.

    Country: There is 7,155 ha of heavy carrying open Mitchell grass downs country with another 4,880 ha of red pebbly downs country that has a light cover of herbages & Mitchell grass and about 1,845 ha of pulled Gidgee country. There is approximately 14,750 edible Spinifex & Mulga tableland country that is surrounded by about 10,065 ha of stony ranges and escarpments. The balance of the property is a mixture of Gidgee, Mulga & Eucalypt timbered areas that have numerous break-away gullies and floodout creeks running through-out off the stony ranges. The buffel grass along these creek systems benefit from the short quick flows during the wet season. There is a lot of edible burrs, herbages, salines & forbs growing at present especially following the winter rain. Melrose is the headwaters of the Vergemont, Maneroo & Katherine creek systems.

    Waters: There are 32 dams and 3 sub-artesian bores equipped with tanks & troughs plus many short term water holes along the creeks following rainfall. Many of these dams have been de-silted over the past six or seven years. The dams are continually kept topped up with run-off from the ranges following storms of 25mm or more.

    Fencing & Yards: Melrose has a very valuable 37km of laneway connecting 2 sets of cattle yards to 12 main paddocks & 7 holding paddocks. The laneway is a great asset for the ease of mustering and moving stock from the southern end of Melrose to the homestead end. The majority of the boundary and internal fencing on Melrose is in good to very good stock proof condition. The large steel yards at the homestead have a shaded vet crush, calf branding and race drafting area as well as a good loading ramp facility.

    Area & Tenure:

    Freehold – 11,958 ha

    Lot 4 Crown Plan MO50, Lot 6 Crown Plan MO12, Lot 7-8 Crown Plan MO13, Lot 12-14 Crown Plan MO16,

    Rolling Term Lease – 61,090 ha

    Lot 1 Survey Plan 193779 & Lot 2 Survey Plan 193780 (Local Government – Longreach Shire Council)

    Lot 3884 Survey Plan 249580 (Local Government – Winton Shire Council)

    Total Area: 73,048 ha (Approx 180,505 acres)

    Buildings & Infrastructure: There is a large, fully air-conditioned 7 bedroom homestead situated on the property. The homestead has a separate staff kitchen, 2 sets of quarters and two self-contained houses. There are 2 new large steel frame sheds as well as an aircraft & helicopter hangar. Melrose has numerous other older buildings and machinery sheds. The large 10 stand woolshed, sheep under-cover shed & sheep yards are in reasonably good condition.

    Agents Remarks: Melrose would be considered a relatively safe breeder or backgrounding property that has large areas of edible Mulga & Spinifex, backed up with Mitchell grass downs and sweet quick responding Gidgee herbage country. The water run-off from the ranges will continually provide water and feed along the many creek systems. 8 to 10,000 sheep have been run in the past at the homestead end of the property. Melrose has constantly run 1,500 breeder cattle and taken up to 2,000 weaners from Tonkoro when the season allows.

    Offered with approximately 2,500 cattle and an extensive list of plant & equipment.

    Inspections by appointment only with agents in conjunction RPL & Brodie Agencies.



     Tom Brodie – Ph: 0428 712 095 *Email:


    Wally Cooper – Ph: 0427 781 054



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