I will be publishing an online News Letter to keep all my contacts and network informed of what is happening in the North it will include Markets Livestock special features special talk back interviews and lots more stay tuned.
110 PTIC Heifers, 54 PTIC Heifers , 40 PTIC Heifers, 40 PTIC Heifers.
110 PTIC Heifers A/c AJM PASTORAL. Location BLACKALL, Western Queensland SOLD SOLD $1,940.00/Head 459.3c/kg Live 1043.6c/kg Dressed Breed 110 Composite / Composite Weight...
Auction Plus this Thursday 14th 9am start
100 Weaned Heifers9919147 · RICHMOND, North Queensland A/c BIRNAM CATTLE CO. SOLD SOLD $1,400.00/Head 707.1c/kg Live 1682.7c/kg Dressed Location RICHMOND, North...
Roadshows at Mount Surprise, Mount Garnet, Mareeba, Chillagoe and Lakelands.
QLD Livestock Exporters Association (QLEA) QLEA welcomes Producers, Stock-people, Agents, Livestock Transport Operators and any interested stakeholders in the Live Export Industry to join Greg...
Saturday 19th March 10AM Start 72 Females 6 Semen Packages
Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Saturday 19th March 72 Females 6 Semen Packages 10am Start CQLX Gracemere RESULTS Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale 2022 43/43 Red Brahman...
20 Shorthorn bulls Longreach Friday 18th March
ROYALLA SHORTHORNS... 20 Shorthorn bulls on offer. Friday 18th March 11am start Longreach Saleyards. SALE RESULTS Great result today 20 offered 20 sold 100% clearance Sale average of $11,950...
Selling Lots 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37.
Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale 19th March. Stockman's Red Brahmans presenting a tremendous line of females 9 poll, including 2 Homozygous Poll (PP) red heifers for the...
Michael is travelling with his father Peter and his wife Donna
Paradise Islands farm. T Neg Stelly is the owner of Paradise Islands farm. He also grows 500 acres of rice. 600 acres of crawfish. 20000 alligators for skin and meat. Also runs 800...
Rural Aid Thank Darren Perkins and Directors of George & Fuhrmann for the very generous donation.
George & Fuhrmann Donated $10,000 to Rural Aid CAN WE HELP YOU? Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities suffering the effects of drought, flood, fire or natural...
Required Simla Station Nebo
CATTLE AND CANE FARM HAND Required Simla Station Nebo You are a reliable self starter but must be able to work as a team member with current staff Duties will vary on the day-to-day...
February All Breeds 9am Start Day 2 Results February All Breeds Bull & Female Sale 36/37 Droughtmaster Bulls sold to Average $11,069, Top was Lot 340 for $25,000, Gross...
521 Lots Over 2 Days 9am Start
February All Breeds... DAY ONE RESULTS SALE RESULTS February All Breeds Bull & Female Sale Day 1 Results 136/202 (67%) Brahman Bulls sold to average $6,912, Top was Lot 80 offered by...
Monday 14th Tuesday 15th 9am start
Kangarin Stud February All Breeds Sale Monday 14th Tuesday 15th 9am start Nick Dudarko is kicking off his selling season 2022 with 18 Brahmans on day one Lots 38-49 and Lots 182-188 Looking for...
Selling Lots 212,214. used bull Lot 246.
Little Creek Brahmans Selling Lots 212,214. used bull Lot 246 February All Breeds Bulls Sale 14th 15th February Ian and Debbie Frampton have put Lot 212 Little Creek Hamish (h)...
Elders with their Vendors all the way
February All Breeds... 14th & 15th February 2022! 9am Start CQLX Gracemere 13 Breeds and Composites 521 Lots Over 2 Days February All Breeds 2021 Results The two days, a total of 244...
Selling Friday 4th Feb Day Three Nutrien Equine Classic Sale Lots 281-460
Nutrien Equine Classic Sale Lot 291- Phalaris N Rhodes Selling Friday 4th Feb Day Three Nutrien Equine Classic Sale Lots 281-460 John Howe Performance Horses are very proud to present...
A true cattleman
The Family would like to thank everyone for their condolences and kind messages in their loss of Hyrtle. God Bless Marianne, Rosemary, Lizette, Pam and families. Hyrtle...
For funeral details, live-stream link
Callide Dawson Funerals Our condolences to the family of the late Lorena Dawn Jefferis. For funeral details, live-stream link and to leave a condolence message for the family The Late Lorena...
MAGS Droughtmaster Bull Sale FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2021 AT 10 AM 124 Droughtmaster & 16 Charmaster Bulls Friday 12th November, 10am Dalrymple Saleyards Charters Towers, QLD Interfaced on...
Friday 5th November 2021, 9:00am
Gold City Brahman Bull Sale Friday 5th November 2021, 9:00am Charters Towers Saleyards For further information Contact Anthony Ball 0428 275 499 or Brian Wedemeyer 0409 694 696. Elders Gold...
28 bulls for this year’s sale
Spann CQ Droughtmasters Bull Sale THANK YOU Spann Family have been Breeding Stud Droughtmasters for 54 Years. During this time they have topped numerous Stud Sales with both Bulls and...
TODAYS SALE RESULTS CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale CQLX Gracemere. SALE RESULT CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale 2021 69/95 (74%) Bulls sold to average $12,312. Top...
This is a quality run of Charbray Heifers.
SOLD AUCTIONSPLUS - Weaner & Yearling Sale 1 | Friday 15 October, 2021 - Commencing 8am (Qld). A/c Johnson Pastoral Pty Ltd - Ormonde Station, Hughenden. This is a quality run of Charbray...
150 Backgrounder Steers SOLD LOT 851: AUCTIONSPLUS - Weaner & Yearling Sale 1 | Friday 15 October, 2021 - Commencing 8am (Qld). A/c Cunningham Cattle Co - Katandra Station, Hughenden. Good...
October 1st for the 2021 on property sale 11am
Valera Vale Droughtmasters Sale On Property Sale October 1st for the 2021 on property sale 11am Our aim is to breed functional environmentally adapted cattle that can not only...
Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 2.30pm.
Yarrabee Santa Sale.. Emerald Ag-grow Site Selling Complex Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 2.30pm. Power Pedigree Performance Sale Results 30 Bulls sold 32 offered to gross...
Excellent temperament, conformation & type.
GIPSY PLAINS BRAHMANS 55 Reds 55 Greys Reds large percentage are Polled Greys also a fair percentage are Polled Excellent temperament, conformation and type. Price on Application....
Starts at 8:30am DAY TWO
The Droughtmaster National Bull Sale 2021 Is on from Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th Septmber at #CQLX. The sale starts at 8:30am for both days. Droughtmaster National Day 2 Result. 193/199...
Starts at 8:30am for both days.
The Droughtmaster National Bull Sale 2021 Is on from Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th Septmber at #CQLX. The sale starts at 8:30am for both days. NATIONAL DROUGHTMASTER SALE DAY 1 RESULT 199/213...
Williams Stockfeeds opened a branch in Cloncurry, Westgulf Stockfeeds
Williams Stockfeeds is a family owned and operated stockfeed business located in Biloela, Central Queensland providing molasses based supplements and grain rations in the form of pellets and mash...