I will be publishing an online News Letter to keep all my contacts and network informed of what is happening in the North it will include Markets Livestock special features special talk back interviews and lots more stay tuned.
Captain Sir Tom Moore has died with coronavirus. The 100-year-old, who raised almost £33m for NHS charities by walking laps of his garden, was admitted to Bedford Hospital on Sunday. The Queen...
Good line of Backgrounder Steers.
For Sale 356 Brahman Steers Good line of Backgrounder Steers. Steers have been Pre-Treated. Brahman (70% Grey / 30% Reds & Honeys) 90% No. 0 / 10% No. 9 100% dehorned or polled 250kg low...
3- 8 years with 80% of being first and second Calvers (No 7 & 8).
310 Cows & Calves For Sale 3- 8 years with 80% of being first and second Calvers (No 7 & 8). 60% Xbred / Soft Brahman types - 40% Brahman X. Calves range 1 month to 4 months. Calves by...
Danehill became the bedrock of Arrowfield
A magic week at the Gold Coast for Arrowfield Wise choice of resident sires made mid-January 2021 a magic period on the racetrack and in the sale ring for one of Australia’s biggest and most...
140 kilometres east northeast of Cooktown and 235 kilometres north northeast of Cairns.
FLASH TROPICAL CYCLONE ADVICE NUMBER 1 Issued at 12:11 pm EST on Sunday 17 January 2021 Intensity: Category 1, sustained winds near the centre of 65 kilometres per hour with wind gusts to...
Warning Zone Mornington Island to Kowanyama, including Burketown and inland areas to Croydon
Tropical cyclone Imogen has weakened to a tropical low but remains a dangerous system with widespread flooding rainfall expected over northern Queensland. Intensity: tropical low, sustained winds...
Cows for sale plus 20 yearling commercial heifers
Parawanga Droughtmaster Stud Cows for sale plus 20 yearling commercial heifers Cows for sale at KENMAY, Mount Tom, near Miriam Vale are a mix of unregistered droughtmaster cows and some from the...
If you think you may have a position
Hi, we are a family of 5 looking for a place to call home. We come with 12 years experience mainly from living on stations on the Barkly Tablelands. We have recently come from a caretakers...
“So I am in self-quarantine. Ugly place to be on Christmas Eve
Australian golf great Greg Norman tests positive for Covid-19 • Two-time British Open champion in hospital in the US • Initially tested negative but ‘mild symptoms’ persisted Australian...
Sir Sidney Kidman Video
A fantastic look into Australian Legend I have always been interested in Sir Sidney Kidman and his achievements, When I came across this video a lot of people may have seen it but it put it all...
Wave Hill been sold for North of 100 million.
Wave Hill has been sold Jungle drums have been beating in the Northern Territory to the tune on the vines at Wave Hill been sold for North of 100 million. The drums say that up jump a jumbuck to...
Beef Carcase Competition, Stud Cattle Competition, Commercial Cattle Competition.
Beef Carcase Competition Beef producers from around Australia have a unique opportunity to benchmark their product on a national level by entering the ANZ National Beef Carcase Competition –...
Petroleum Act will come into force on 1 January 2021
The implementation of land access regulations for the Petroleum Act must be the catalyst for requiring the mining sector to operate in a similar manner, this is the position the Northern Territory...
Meet the Queensland Team
Knight Frank AgriBusiness QLD A name that everybody is familiar with in Queensland property circles is Pat O’Driscoll. Pat and business partner Neale Crow have recently secured a Knight...
Pride died Saturday in Dallas,
Charley Pride, music legend, dies of COVID-19 at 86 Charley Pride, the pioneering Black country music legend who topped the charts with dozens of songs, has died at 86 due to complications...
Offered walk-in-walk-out including all livestock (7,149* head as of October 2020) and plant and equipment
JLL in conjunction with RPL as exclusive agents are pleased to present for sale by Online Auction, Claraville. Comprising a total leasehold land area of 217,000 hectares, Claraville is located...
'Imagine all the people living life in peace'
Ringo Starr Tuesday, 8 December 1980 we all had to say goodbye to John peace and love John. I’m asking Every music radio station in the world sometime today play Strawberry Fields Forever....
Tenants and landlords should seek legal advice on what these changes will mean for new or existing lease
Small Business and COVID 19 Queensland business has suffered enormously due to COVID-19. However, Laws have been put in place to help the damage caused to your business during the 9 months of...
STORE CATTLE SALE – KENILWORTH BRAHMANS RESULTS Records smashed again today at Charters Towers Store Sale With 84 Grey Brahman No. 0 heifers making 1190 cents per kg and the consignment of 193...
Adcock Partners Property and Livestock. Meet The Team We are excited to announce that Pat Burke has joined the team at Adcock Partners Property and Livestock. He is based in...
10am Friday 13th November Charters Towers
MAGS SALE Monty Atkinson Genetic Sale 10am Friday 13th November Charters Towers Studs Mungalla, Lamont, & Valley Droughtmasters Selling at Mags Sale 112 Droughtmaster Bulls 14...
Tropical Cattle Annual Grey Polled Genetics Sale
Tropical Cattle Annual Grey Polled Genetics Sale SEE RESULTS LOT BY LOT 5th to 7th November (Timed Auction) Online Sale Starts 8am 5TH November Bidding closes at...
Beef Country Sale Lots 36,37
Akama Brahman Stud Beef Country Brahman Bull Sale Nebo Damien Sturdy Akama Brahman Stud has two outstanding sires for the Beef Country Sale Lots 36,37 Buyers take a good look at this draft first...
All descriptions were keenly sought after
CHARTERS TOWERS COMBINED AGENTS STORE SALE Friday – 16th October, 2020 Charters Towers Combined Agents yarded a total of 3,496 head. Store Cattle consisted of 1,518 Steers, 432 Mickeys,...
Wednesday 30th September 2020 at 2.30pm.
Yarrabee Santa Sale.. Emerald Agro Site Selling Complex Wednesday 30th September 2020 at 2.30pm. Results Yarrabee Santa Gertrudis Bull Sale, Emerald - 30 September 2020 Gross $247,000...
125 VGQ EU ACCREDITED SOFT CROSSBRED STEERS They Exhibit Good Bone, Length, Depth and Frame. Ideal Steers to grow out to Heavy Feeder weights or finish on Grass or Grain for Export & Domestic...
From Sep 21, 2020 - 8:00am until Sep 22, 2020 - 1:00pm ( ONLINE SALE )
CQ Invitational Droughtmaster Sale of 2020. A group of 8 long standing Droughtmaster Stud Breeders with many decades of producing quality Droughtmasters have joined forces to conduct this sale....