I will be publishing an online News Letter to keep all my contacts and network informed of what is happening in the North it will include Markets Livestock special features special talk back interviews and lots more stay tuned.
Agricultural shows are part of the fabric of regional Australia,
$36 MILLION FOR OUR AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITIES THE SHOWS WILL GO ONThe Australian Government is spending $36 million to support agricultural show societies recover from the effects of...
“Churchill didn’t beat the Nazis. Vera sang them to death.”
Dame Vera Lynn 103 At the start of the second world war, Vera Lynn, who has died aged 103, was an up-and-coming dance band singer. By 1945, this working-class young woman...
You have done well Charters Towers Council Take a Bow.
After being in lockdown since the beginning of March finally had the opportunity to venture to the Charter’s towers weekly sale. The excellent standards that have been set by Charters Towers...
Results Lot By Lot
RESULTS LOT BY LOT Gymipe Brahman Female Sale 2020 Online Auction Offered 60 females sold 47 = 78 % clearance Grey’s offered 45 sold 32 = 71%...
140 VGQ VENDOR BRED SPECKLE PARK CROSS HEIFERSAUCTIONSPLUS FRIDAY 5TH JUNE 140 VGQ Vendor Bred Speckle Park Cross Heifers. Majority Exhibit Very Good Bone, Length, Depth and Frame for their...
70% polled American genetics.
Herd Reduction.. If its polled genetics you are after than check out this great offer. 40 Registered cows and calfs units 20 maiden heifers 1 x 2yr old bull 9 x yearling polled bulls Herd is...
Don’t waste any opportunity to receive what is right for your horse.
Ian Wharton Equine Dentistry Ian Wharton is a world renowned fully qualified equine dentist with many years of experience. Ian’s knowledge regarding the benefits of proper...
MARKET REPORT WEANER & FEEDER FEATURE SALE TUESDAY 2ND JUNE 2020The Emerald Livestock Selling Association were extremely proud to offer 5920 head for the first Feature Sale of 2020,...
Bungowannah Park owner 91-year old Bill Weidner
Demonstrating that age is no barrier to buying livestock online, Bungowannah Park owner 91-year old Bill Weidner, supported by his daughter Gayle Quinn, purchased $75,000 in stock at Northern...
Six Packages 10am Start 29th May
Brodie Agencies Selling Friday Auction Plus Six Packages 10am Start 29th May 82 VGQ STATION MATED SOFT CROSSBRED HEIFERSAUCTIONSPLUS FRIDAY 29TH MAY 11AM82 VGQ Station Mated Soft Crossbred...
RARE GENETIC OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED... SOLD SOLD SOLD FOR SALE: 300 (approx.) COMPOSITE COWS & CALVES. Cows are Droughtmaster/Charbray/ Brahman x...
ROYALLA SHORTHORNS... 20 bulls on offer. Longreach Bull Sale, QLD - 19/19 bulls sold to $20000 (Lot 1. Royalla P011 to Keogh, Wirth & Pedley 'Boonamerrie' Longreach QLD)...
108 VGQ YOUNG DROUGHTMASTER COWS & CALVES AUCTIONSPLUS FRIDAY 1ST MAY Good results for the Droughtmaster and Speckle Park breeds on AuctionsPlus today. 108 Droughtmaster cows with...
“Light Up the Dawn” their driveways
Australians have taken to their driveways to commemorate this year’s Anzac Day, which the Prime Minister described would be one to be remembered “for a very long time”. Unable to gather in...
ANZAC Day – April 25th Is a very important day in Australian and New Zealand history. But this year, ANZAC Day will happen a little bit differently, as it will take place amid the height of the...
WEANER & YEARLING SALE Auction Plus Apr 24, 2020 10:00:00 AM
SELLING THIS FRIDAY AUCTION PLUS 80 Weaned Heifers WINTON, Queensland 100% Droughtmaster / Droughtmaster Avg Live Weight 222.6kg80 VGQ Vendor Bred Droughtmaster Heifers. They weighed 177...
LIGHT UP THE DAWN ON ANZAC DAY Just imagine how special it would be if every Australian was standing in their driveway at 6am on ANZAC Day, united in spirit to remember all those who have served...
StockLive Manager Libby Hufton sees huge potential for the platform to support a strong market despite restrictions keeping buyers away from the auction rail. “We are working with a number of...
Online auction and livestreaming platform..
The current COVID-19 situation may be causing significant restrictions in buyers’ access to saleyards but StockLive offers an innovative solution with its online auction and livestreaming...
Brendan Christou Chief Executive anounced at noon today
EKKA Cancelled Brendan Christou called a media briefing at the Brisbane Showgrounds in Bowen Hills at noon to announce cancelling of event, scheduled for August 7-16. Ekka is in line with...
90 Brahman Females 21st March
Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale result. Reds 35/35 $180,500 avg $5,157 top $23,000 lot 4 A/c Peter Tuxworth purchased by Rosetta Grazing, Collinsville. Greys 53/53 $293,000 avg $5,528...
Involved in the cattle industry for over 25 years.
BLAIR AGRI ADVISORS Pty Ltd is an Australian based, global animal science consultancy company. Kai Blair (Director), is a ruminant nutritionist, scientist and embryologist based in the Mary Valley...
No access agreement. No access,”
NTCA welcomes the Land Access Legislation: Calls on it to be replicated with mining industry, The Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association has welcomed changes to the Petroleum Act that...
Droughtmaster National Female Sale 14th March 2020
2020 National Female Sale Results National Female Droughtmaster Sale 2020 Saturday 14th March At Gympie 3 from 3 Cow / Calf unit sold to average $4,333 with a top of $5,250...
14th March 9am
Droughtmaster National Female Sale..... The sale will again be held at the Gympie Saleyards on Saturday, March 14th from 9am, with the sale catalogue 193 Females to comprise 3 cows and calves, 32...
Excellent temperament, large % poll, bull breeding quality females.
SOLD AT AUCTION $1,550.00/Head 96 Exceptionally Bred No7s,8s & 9 Red Brahman Heifers. The majority of these heifers were bred out of Gipsy Plains stud Cows using Gipsy...
You may catch the virus in a month from now, or a year or 2, but you will catch it.
We have finally have a explanation to the Coronoaviruses in layman's terms. It seems we should mention that Professor Ian Mackay infectious diseases expert from Queensland university was...
Delivery Point 3rd - 9th April Charters Towers Saleyards
LIVE EXPORT FEEDER ORDER High Grade Brahman Cattle. No 2nd Grade Cattle, dog bites or no tails accepted. Females must be Preg-Tested Empty by Vet or Spayed with a signed list of...
108 VGQ Station Mated Crossbred & Brahman Heifers. Majority of these Heifers show Good Bone, Length, Depth and Frame for their age. These Heifers are Non-Organic Breeders PTIC or with...