So You Think Australia’s busiest 2020 sire
So You Think Australia’s busiest 2020 sire Figures released by the Australian Stud Book show that Coolmore’s So You Think was Australia’s busiest sire in the 2020 season, looking after...
Embarking on an Adventure
Proudly Sponsored By Emanate Legal He is only 18 years old, recently passed his driving test and is about to embark on a gap year adventure like no other. Maleny’s Sam Hughes,...
Over the past 2 years the regulatory reforms that have been implemented have markedly increased
The QLEA have sent an open letter to all Members and Stakeholders Queensland Livestock Exporters Association The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has...
LOT 26 SALE TOPPER $32,000
ROCKY ALL STARS ELITE BRAHMAN FEMALE SALE.. LOT BY LOT RESULTS Saturday 20th March 2021 - CQLX Saleyards at 11am SALE RESULTS Rocky All Stars Elite Brahman Female Sale Grey Females...
Lots 66,67,68,69. Plus 3 Embryos Package 6 Embryos Package
Stockman Red Brahmans Selling Four Red Heifers Lots 66-69 Chris is also selling 3 Embryos Lancefield D Bazuka 4722/D (PS) (LAD4722/DM) X Stockman Dienka 471 (PS) (IVF) (CRM471F) Plus 6...
Friday, 19 March 2021 Auctionplus
91 Weaned Steers 91 Very Good Quality Santa Steers, weaned in July/August 2020. Including 85 Straight Red Steers, 5 Honey and 1 Brindle Steer. The Steers are account The Vendor, bred on...
35 Weaned Bulls, 37 Weaned Mixed Sexes, 94 Weaned Steers, 96 Weaned Heifers
Stafford Livestock selling Friday on Auctionplus All Sold Very Sucessful Sale Birnam Cattle Co has presented a great line of cattle for Friday sales 35 Weaned...
Spirit of Boom got off to a huge start as a sire, supplying among 18 first crop 2yo winners.
Spirit of Boom a Queenslander with national image Lyndhurst also has two Better Than Ready August born yearlings out of Sequalo mares catalogued as Lot 142, a colt, from Flawless Curves, a sister...
Saturday 20th March 2021 - CQLX Saleyards at 11am
SAVE THE DATE! ROCKY ALL STARS ELITE BRAHMAN FEMALE SALE.. Saturday 20th March 2021 - CQLX Saleyards at 11am 71 Top quality Red & Grey Females plus 2 Red embryo packages will be on offer...
"I am urging the Diamantina Shire Council to immediately withdraw the under-wing camping ban. ",
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Australia DIAMANTINA SHIRE COUNCIL BANS UNDER-WING AIRCRAFT CAMPING AT BIRDSVILLE RACES The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia has today...
ALL CATTLE SOLD Gipsy Plains. red brahman heifers, 3 or 4 decks. SOLD These are purebreds from our bull breeding replacement heifer group, good frame and phenotype. from 180kg to 320kg. 70%...
February All Breeds Sale 2021.. Bull and Female Sale Day 1 ▪ 110 Brahman Bulls sold to $42,500 av $7810. New Event Record. ▪ Riverlea Vancouver 004 (IVF) (PS) offered by Riverlea...
Selling Lots 318, 319, 320 and Lot 361
Mala-Daki Simmentals.. Heading to Rocky .. Will be presenting four sires for sale at the February All Breeds Bull and Female Sale. 15TH and 16TH February at CQLX Gracemere Saleyards...
Selling 9 Bulls Lots 371 – 379
Minlacowie Droughtmasters.. Selling 9 Bulls Lots 371 – 379 Spann Family Minlacowie and Wingfield Droughtmastersare selling nine bulls at the February All Breeds Sale 16th day 2 Lots 371 – 379...
Three bulls bound for Rocky 15th &16th FEB
LITTLE CREEK BRAHMANS.... Little Creek Brahmans has three top bulls for February All breeds Sale. Buyers Lot 41 Beautifully bred - JDH Stratton, FBC Bonny Jo Manso 864/1, Arnie. A heavy bull,...
This is the first time that the triennial event has been launched in a regional centre
Beef Australia officially launched at Big Country Brahman Sale. Beef Australia 2021 was officially launched by the Hon. David Littleproud MP, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency...
Good line of Backgrounder Steers.
For Sale 356 Brahman Steers Good line of Backgrounder Steers. Steers have been Pre-Treated. Brahman (70% Grey / 30% Reds & Honeys) 90% No. 0 / 10% No. 9 100% dehorned or polled 250kg low...
3- 8 years with 80% of being first and second Calvers (No 7 & 8).
310 Cows & Calves For Sale 3- 8 years with 80% of being first and second Calvers (No 7 & 8). 60% Xbred / Soft Brahman types - 40% Brahman X. Calves range 1 month to 4 months. Calves by...
Warning Zone Mornington Island to Kowanyama, including Burketown and inland areas to Croydon
Tropical cyclone Imogen has weakened to a tropical low but remains a dangerous system with widespread flooding rainfall expected over northern Queensland. Intensity: tropical low, sustained winds...
Cows for sale plus 20 yearling commercial heifers
Parawanga Droughtmaster Stud Cows for sale plus 20 yearling commercial heifers Cows for sale at KENMAY, Mount Tom, near Miriam Vale are a mix of unregistered droughtmaster cows and some from the...
If you think you may have a position
Hi, we are a family of 5 looking for a place to call home. We come with 12 years experience mainly from living on stations on the Barkly Tablelands. We have recently come from a caretakers...
Sir Sidney Kidman Video
A fantastic look into Australian Legend I have always been interested in Sir Sidney Kidman and his achievements, When I came across this video a lot of people may have seen it but it put it all...
Wave Hill been sold for North of 100 million.
Wave Hill has been sold Jungle drums have been beating in the Northern Territory to the tune on the vines at Wave Hill been sold for North of 100 million. The drums say that up jump a jumbuck to...
Beef Carcase Competition, Stud Cattle Competition, Commercial Cattle Competition.
Beef Carcase Competition Beef producers from around Australia have a unique opportunity to benchmark their product on a national level by entering the ANZ National Beef Carcase Competition –...
Petroleum Act will come into force on 1 January 2021
The implementation of land access regulations for the Petroleum Act must be the catalyst for requiring the mining sector to operate in a similar manner, this is the position the Northern Territory...
Meet the Queensland Team
Knight Frank AgriBusiness QLD A name that everybody is familiar with in Queensland property circles is Pat O’Driscoll. Pat and business partner Neale Crow have recently secured a Knight...
Pride died Saturday in Dallas,
Charley Pride, music legend, dies of COVID-19 at 86 Charley Pride, the pioneering Black country music legend who topped the charts with dozens of songs, has died at 86 due to complications...